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The Bachelorette: The Final Rose, as Told by Gifs

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I can hate watch an ENTIRE season of The Bachelor/The Bachelorette. But still. That final episode. I let myself forget that the entire season took place over two months (TWO MONTHS!!1!). These people have “fallen in love” in a shorter time than your summer break. I’ve had my tooth brush longer than that (ew?). There are things in my fridge (A LOT OF THINGS) older than two months (really ew).

Anyways… I put that out of my mind. And I just let it be love. You guys, I just have to. It’s like how when I was way too old to believe in Santa Claus—literally my mom straight up told me: Natalie, there’s no Santa. And I said: HAHAHAHA GOOD ONE YES THERE IS. HE BRINGS ME PRESENTS AND I WILL GET THOSE PRESENTS STILL. SO SANTA IS REAL. DRIVE HOME, MOM. SANTA IS REAL. YOUUUU AREN’T REAL.

I wanted to believe and I did. Mind over matter. And you bet your stockings I still got those presents.

OK, back to love.

So, in spite of my jokes, games and silliness, you know I still love Kaitlyn. I think she keeps it real. And I wanted her to have happiness. So, I gasped… I gushed… I really just let it be real for a few hours… am I crazy? Possibly.

Anyways, here’s how I reacted… as told by gifs.

When Kaitlyn told her parents about all her, ahem, missteps…


… and then when Nick, with whom she had misstepped, met her family…


…and asked for their blessing. He sounded SO fake…



…speaking of fake, that poem was from Google… wait, that’s an insult to Google. It didn’t even rhyme,


and his handwriting was enough of a deal breaker.


Side note: How did Kaitlyn not lose her lunch at the combination of Nick’s insincerity and those choppy waters.


Then when Shawn strolled in to meet her fam with BIGGER flowers…


…and Kaitlyn’s sister swooned (bc, duh, it’s Ryan Gosl…I mean Shawn)…


…and then you really heard how Canadian Kaitlyn is.


THEN… Kaitlyn acted REAL awkward around Shawn…


…and I thought she was going to have sinister babies with Nick.


I was devastated.


Then the limo came, and we all know the first one out is the loser…


And then Nick came out.


But I felt a little bad (hello, she let him say his entire speech… ouch).


But then Shawn came out… and they were perfect.


And so happy. And so was I.


Then I felt super single and not so happy any more.


~Then Chris Harrison made everything awkward with Shawn and Nick, to end the night a tad unsettled…~

But do you guys wanna hug it out?


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