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Chronicles of a Swimmer: Week 15



I may or may not be overly confident. See: Facebook Invite to shotgun at the finish line.

Victory tastes like beer.


Is that a little cocky? Maybe. But I’m all about the hype. I’m also all about cheering sections. I’ve done my part (see my training journey over the past 14 weeks) and now I’m stoked to see what the people cheering my on have in store. It’s gonna be great people watching. I’ve cheered on roommates in friends in half marathons before. I’ve rocked clever signs that say “Happy #Caturday” and “Natalie is Good at Sports” and “Run like the Wind Bullseye” and “Run Forrest Run.” But I’ve also seen some pretty clever ones out on the track. Some of my favorites that I’ve heard of include:

If those aren’t motivation I don’t know what is. Pretty excited to see what The Woodlands Marathon has in store. They even have a cheer challenge that gives out prizes. I expect lots of body paint, cowbells and drunk people at 9am in the morning. Is that too much to ask?

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