What It’s Like to Run a Half Marathon
In Shape / It's Life

What It’s Like to Run a Half Marathon

This posts marks the end of my journey as a swimmer who dabbles in running. This is Week 16 of Chronicles of a Swimmer. Try to contain your tears. It was long race that took four months that happened to end in 13.1 miles at the Woodlands Half Marathon. I kind of don’t know what to write for … Continue reading

Running the Rice University Trail & Run for Wellness 5K
Do That / In Shape / It's Culture / It's Life

Running the Rice University Trail & Run for Wellness 5K

New Year’s Resolutions This week marked the “happy half-way” point in my half-marathon training and just about two months left until the Woodlands Half Marathon. I’ve gone from dreading three-mile runs to actually looking forward to sprint sets and exploring new trails for my long runs. It’s been a big transformation, but I still have … Continue reading

Running the Terry Hershey Park Trail
In Shape / It's Life

Running the Terry Hershey Park Trail

Holy cow. Week Seven. Seven. That’s pretty weird experience writing that number. Seven weeks I’ve been running. Pretty consistent running too!  Writing seven really puts into perspective how far I’ve come. I actually look forward to my Monday sprint workouts. I don’t completely cringe at the thought of running six miles on the weekends. Sometimes … Continue reading

12K of Christmas (Chronicles of a Swimmer who Dabbles in Running: Week 6)
In Shape / It's Life

12K of Christmas (Chronicles of a Swimmer who Dabbles in Running: Week 6)

I’m about half way through with my half marathon training (ahhhhhh) and what better way to commemorate this special moment than by running half half a marathon? Especially a Christmas themed one. Enter: Houston’s 12K of Christmas Fun Run. See what they did there? So 12K is 7.45 miles. Some quick math here…that’s over half half a … Continue reading